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Tecnologias de portal emancipam nossos clientes

Marketing has given way to growth marketing, and its dynamism of taking advantage of what is happening in the world to boost sales is not compatible with time-consuming processes of updating pages, with the collaboration of programmers. Portal technologies emancipate content marketing and journalism teams, in addition to authoring environments providing security with an automatic process of requesting authorization to publish updates.
We have been specialists in developing portals for almost two decades and we know the entire universe of technologies, best practices and delivery capacity.

Web Content Management

We build websites using best practices and the latest in HCL DX.
With cloud or premises architecture and infrastructure and a server structure designed for practical and fast content authoring, we make the content publishing experience fluid and simple.

We use the latest improvements to the WAS bridge and implement JSR268 portlets in all JSF distributions.
With HCL DX it is also possible to develop portlets with the main JAVA frameworks on the market.

Portlet Development


Construímos temas WebDav Based, customizados que atendam os desafios de negócio cada vez mais complexos.
Desenvolvemos o tema adaptado para os principais framework front end de mercado.

With HCL DX Personalization API, we deliver content that is increasingly targeted to your target audience.
We personalize customer experience according to business rules.



Through the impersonation API, we can simulate the customer experience, thus facilitating testing, error resolution, etc.

We develop APIs in the main languages on the market, making REST communication with portlets possible, making the back end reusable for presenting data on mobile devices and others.

Back End

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